It is not likely that any carbonated drink product; with any type of sugar or sweetener; can be classified as healthy.
Large corporations also have more funding to do studies; to prove that their product is safe; these studies can also be erroneous due to bias agenda. Also took decades to properly label cigarettes as cancer causing. It is likely that carbonated beverage, as well as meat & dairy lobbyists, have intervened in the rating also. These industries are insanely overpowered.
Aspartame has been a possible cancer risk for decades; this is not due to new research; many doctors will tell patients to avoid it even if experiencing no issues.
Aloe Vera is mostly used topically; when it is not being used to treat cancer.
If it is not possible to find alternatives; supplementing such things as calcium vitamin d & k2 might help reduce health issues that could eventually arise (of course with nutritionist or doctors supervision.