“Face the Music”

much typo
8 min readNov 22, 2021


Credit: Twitter @vinylconsumer

What could such a phrase mean “face the music”. Culture around idioms is quite unique; usually lost in the pages of history; in most cases with thin origin stories not claimed by known writers. Depending on who is writing the wrongs or the rights; which seems to be rather subjective; based on who owns the rights or has more profits. Sometimes abrasive and visceral; sound painting is production based on textures & tones; rather contrary with most popular works being more linear usually focusing on vocals. Music with such versatility; such intense ability to effect the very atoms of all beings; reduced to a marketing tool more then anything else. Art as well, for that matter; tawdry useless portrayals of monotony; instead of inspiration to evolve. Anything abstract, controversial, or Avant-garde (not yet in the dictionary); usually considered beyond the normal life experience; to be treated as a form of witchcraft. Censored for unapparent reasons; beyond fears of the bad actors; doing the censoring. One benefit of censorship; which is probably why these practices are not effective; that being censored can be replaced with anything that can be imagined. Creatives have historically gained popularity; by “waving the flags” of the concerns of the populous; “letting the cat out of the bag”.

Many idioms are outdated; based on crude concepts; or inundated with references to customs and comfort foods such as “the meat and potatoes”. Technology has focused our interests on memes & emojis (also not yet in this dictionary); fragmenting writing as a craft; writers seem to be struggling with traditional mediums. Writers as well as musicians & artists; many times ended up “the butt of the joke”; misunderstood for years or centuries. Probably due to the lack of reach or commonality; from dodging possibly delicious fruit such as tomatoes… definitely not the luck of “breaking a leg” on stage; or spending most of their lives as rogues. That or bringing up too many “hot potatoes”. Penning or typing, sculpting or painting; into an evolved future they never see; if they were successful enough at the craft. Creatives today have tools and reach; that early counterparts could not yet dream up; in such confines. Some writers and artists as well as scientists & engineers and countless others; have experienced this shift of reality; to a degree of how successful they are at evolving society. Not the types of people to get “cold feet”. If lucky enough not to be focused on by “blue blood” “big wigs” “on top of the world”; or targeted with invisible magnifying laser beams from space by jealous wealthy benefactors; attempting to “steal the thunder” or “snuff out” such progress ultimately gain control of it. “Close but no cigar!”; “your loss is our gain”; types of people that would buy property seized by a bank after foreclosure. Common courtesy & respect; or any form of emotional intelligence; are not considered skills to most in business besides sales or human resources. Not the only erosion taking place; not even just referring to the environmental concern; or how it feels to listen to over compressed commercials for an extended amount of time. Modern times, strangely pull from many literary tragedies; Shakespeare is living large and capitalizing on sad dramatic truths of humanity; not just in films such as the “Romeo + Juliet”. Mental health statistics are just part of the equation; sad is actually a persona for many; business plans of conglomerates & lobbyist altering every day life. Maybe luck shines on those “kicking the bucket” in a haze of bullets rather then being suicided (which might never be included in any dictionary). As circumstances can be so telling “showing true colors”; even with very little actual information released; sometimes over decades. Still is no “Rogue March” for “waking up on the wrong side of the bed”. Rain or shine and sometimes both; still difficult to ignore “the devil beating his wife”; as the “cat could get your tongue”; the very “walls have ears”; or eyes when circumstances are not ordinary.

Idioms were & are instrumental in explaining concepts hard to put into words. Such as modern day institutions taking no responsibility for “barking up the wrong tree”. As various industries, political movements as well as legal proceedings; enable executions of thoughts metaphorically & physically; and still to this day, actual people. Not even acknowledging; Holocaust like conditions of factory farming; or the environmental and public health implications. Such as enabling viruses to spread through the food supply; “no spring chickens” causing pandemics; since the flu of 1918 “hands down”. “No pun intended”; its not like an entire population; would be able to go “cold turkey” right? Centuries ago British aristocracies were tasked with “biting the bullet” whilst attempting to “turn a blind eye” to witch hunts. There is no excuse for the majority of negligence; supposedly occurring due to corporate lobbyist manipulation collusion & corruption; no witches to blame post “Satanic Panic”. Accusations of occult activity is an excellent “smoke screen” being not believable to most; finding ways to shift blame to targeted people or groups participating in scorned activities; the usual scapegoating deeming them “caught red handed”. Not even worth the air trying to expose the completely nonsensical actions still happening in this day and age; carefully organized “new normal” collusion; highly complicit fashion, corruption “chic”. Manipulation of history books by those on the “right side of history”; regardless of political faction are more then occasionally on the wrong side; just welding a bigger metaphorical megaphone. Law order & court systems; tried and true for centuries yet bubbling over with favoritism; then used as a political talking point against some imagined threat by a certain group of people. Completely unfathomable progressions; structures bent out of shape purposefully; to continue to beat down targets attempting to solve the systemic issues considered to be “white elephants”. Maybe useful loopholes to the establishment or specifically tailored to fit a certain company monopoly. Celebrity court cases are an excellent distraction, as well as a tool for popular-ism; shaping narratives to “butter up” the masses; whilst enabling ill gains and agendas of the Bourgeoisie. “Resting on Laurels”; whilst waging culture wars of political correctness; simultaneously subliminally encouraging self incrimination. Or at least to fight urges of heavy persuasion; to “have one for the road” by incessant advertising campaigns; repeating every 5 minute break for weeks or months or even years endlessly.

Occult to foreign speakers and those not well versed on the meanings; “rule of thumb” for natives; idioms are used describe the “seedy underbelly of social norms and forgotten laws; even horridly accepted traditions. Context being used to carefully misconstrue truths; allowing for the skirting of legality to “run amok”; everything is permitted allowing for infinite litigious “jests”. Securing another move into madness couched by pages of “fine print” purposefully discouraging further review. Draconian from top to bottom; nothing is safe; any response not expected is gas lighted with “smallest violin” and “crocodile tear” references. Not caving to pressure receives more then a “cold shoulder”; no matter how many resources are necessary; or how many man hours “riding shotgun” are needed. To force the required outcome or “get one’s goat”. Journalist “spilling the beans” of truth and protesters not “reading the riot act”; are lucky to be told to “put a sock in it” or “called onto the carpet”; rather then “disappeared”. Do not speak against the system that saves us from ourselves; or you will soon find yourself in a colorless room; constrained to the point of not existing whilst possibly drooling from over medication. And “son of a gun” has been and so will be; the “song remains the same”; the pain hits deep subconscious levels regardless of numerous distractions. “Buckle down” and ‘take the cake”; you might “run across” success.” “Bury the hatchet” to “beat a hasty retreat”; you are but a “cog in the machine”; with “burning ears” you will regret running this down to the “bare bones”. Anyone benefiting from the chaos; “on the cards” who do not stay clear from the “raining of cats and dogs”; the seduction of chip racking leaving most feeling “under the weather” and “at cross purposes”. “Blood is thicker then water” which is of course “not a human right”; just another excuse to “sell someone down the river”. Even those “minding their Ps Qs as well as dotting their Is”; could be running the risk of not exercising or “going bananas” …or even overtime. This could lead to imminent death; even those “pleased as punch” know; death is expensive. “Once in a blue moon”; a “jaywalker” goes to jail; or surveillance is used for nefarious tactics. Even these case studies are not enough to legitimately progress critical race theory. Decades of grotesquely brutal crimes with ghastly evidence; and numerous “last will and testaments”; were required to make minimal progress in LGBTQ rights. Historically human rights abuses do not “cease and desist”. “Crimes against nature” are not a “bang to rights” of polluters; corporations in fact are people; who… are “above the law”. This raises all sorts of legal ethical exceptions; questioning the legitimacy of literally every system, industry and institution; backed up by actual unclassified documentation of complicit corruption & collusion. With enough research it is possible to make the argument; that all crime is systemic manipulation; accounting for malnutrition & poverty. This however does not take into account; classified or covert; even illegal actions against citizens. Sometimes for no reason… at all. Just not acceptable; it never was; it will never be. History, once again, stands still; all but waiting for the realization; that what is happening, is just no longer possible.

“By & large”; parallels to the history of idioms; predict redundant obsolete behavior to be continued. So “Let your hair down” and “paint the town red”; “beat about the bush”; unless you prefer this Kinbaku experience as some medieval masochistic miscreant. “Show a leg”; each one teach one… ; to “break the ice”. Making any progress without coming across as a destroyer of time is difficult; when traversing quantum parallel universes ; necessary to compel evolution. Even the term “Living Wage”; is considered threatening to businesses setup around Corporate Union Busting; probably a Trillion dollar industry by now. An obvious precedent shadowing the truth; reckless abandonment and lack of support to favor profit; belittling actual needs. Just because watering down resistance is possible; “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water”; “every cloud has a silver lining”. Soon it will be possible to numb minds completely; with artificial intelligence devices and virtual reality work environments; just gauging social media uses over the last decade. This is only “fuel to the fire”; evidence of the definitively dire need requiring “the whole nine yards” and “more than you can shake a stick at”; to break from convention in every way possible. Hope is fleeting; yet “keep your chin up” and “take the piss” as modern tools are a definitive “Achilles Heel” allowing for some progress; movements of sustainability are “pulling out all the stops”. Corporations going against the role of solving a social problems to focus on benefiting investors; are finding it difficult to “keep the wolf from the door” and feeling the fire of public outcry; divesting from corrupt collusive conglomerates is becoming much easier, yet still challenging. Truth challenges even the most authentic “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. So “sleep tight” tomorrow is a new day. To influence positive change freeing one mind at a time. Challenging those “born with a silver spoon in their mouths”; to “have their cake and eat it too”; to “face the music”.



much typo

Ⓥ ~ IG: Much7YP0 ~ @vinylconsumer ~ Evolved Multidimensional Content